Have you tried to sweat on with a DVD in your living room unsuccessfully ?
With all of life’s distractions and challenges at home, I know that prioritizing everything else than your wellness is all we often have time for.
And let's just say it.... getting motivated to workout at home on your own is a challenge!
I get it! I too often fall into these traps of busyness or focusing solely on the things to do, family, work, or I just want to sit on the couch and watch the Office on Netflix ! But here's the thing, it doesn’t bring me happiness.
This is a topic I am really passionate about because working out from home is the best way to practice self discipline. And self discipline is the key to success in life.
I remember how empowering it was to develop this habit. It boosted my self esteem and my work ethic. Work and consistency definitely equal...
I’m constantly striving to be a better leader at work and in my personal life and I love to read. In fact, I always have a book with me, even when I travel - only in carry on!
Reading is part of my morning and night routine. It's almost a form of meditation and it is a great source of education and inspiration.
I often share what I read on my Instagram stories but I thought I'd shared some of my fave here. I included wellness, fitness, business and I touch upon the modern way of reading!
I hope you enjoy these books as much as I do.
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