How to Stay Motivated to Workout at Home

fitness Mar 07, 2019

Have you ever felt like you're not a home-workout kind of girl?

Have you tried to sweat on with a DVD in your living room unsuccessfully ?

With all of life’s distractions and challenges at home, I know that prioritizing everything else than your wellness is all we often have time for.

And let's just say it.... getting motivated to workout at home on your own is a challenge!

I get it! I too often fall into these traps of busyness or focusing solely on the things to do, family, work, or I just want to sit on the couch and watch the Office on Netflix ! But here's the thing, it doesn’t bring me happiness.

This is a topic I am really passionate about because working out from home is the best way to practice self discipline. And self discipline is the key to success in life. 

I remember how empowering it was to develop this habit. It boosted my self esteem and my work ethic. Work and consistency definitely equal success. Plus, it's so much more than just working out ! It's about reali...

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Virginie's Fave Books

business fitness wellness Mar 07, 2019

Have you ever heard the quote from Joseph Addison Reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body?

I’m constantly striving to be a better leader at work and in my personal life and I love to read. In fact, I always have a book with me, even when I travel - only in carry on!

Reading is part of my morning and night routine. It's almost a form of meditation and it is a great source of education and inspiration. 

I often share what I read on my Instagram stories but I thought I'd shared some of my fave here. I included wellness, fitness, business and I touch upon the modern way of reading!

I hope you enjoy these books as much as I do.


Fave books



  • Unleash the Power Within - Anthony Robbins
  • The Motivation Manifesto - Brendon Burchard
  • The Miracle Morning - Hal Erold
  • You Can Heal Your Life - Louise Hay 
  • Co-Dependant No More - Melody Beattie
  • The Subtle Art of Not Giving a Fuck - Mark Manson
  • Judgment Detox - Gabby Bernstein 
  • The Tapping Solution - Nick Ortner
  • T...
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6 Rules to Live Your Best Life

wellness Mar 07, 2019

Each of us struggles every day to define our sense of purpose.

Who doesn't want to be happy, right?

After reading countless books and studying the art of fulfillment, I've come down to these 6 rules. I wrote them for myself. It's a great reminder when the going gets tough. 

Reading these rules every month, or when needed, empowers me to be positive and to focus on what I can get right.

 I hope my rules elevate you into discovering the range of your abilities.


6 Rules to Live Your Best Life


  1. Trust Yourself
    Self-awareness is power. It has the power to give you confidence in yourself, your choices, and your time. When you know yourself, it helps you make better decisions so you continue moving forward towards your ambitions. How do you get to trusting yourself? That's something I've been working on for the past year and Yoga helped me tremendously to create a deeper connection to myself.
    Be present with yourself everyday, even when it feels uncomfortable. Remember that busyness
  2. ...
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